The quickest way to get answers to your questions is to read our Frequently Asked Questions listed below. If you have any questions which are not answered here, please feel free to reach out to us via the ‘Contact Us’ form and we would be happy to help.


How is Get in the Game different from other websites which sell shares in horses?

Many other websites provide the option to purchase a share in a horse, however the shares often expire at the end of the season. With Get in the Game you own the share until such time as the horse is sold to a new owner, at which point you receive a percentage of the selling price.

What happens when the horse is sold?

When the horse is sold you will receive a percentage of the selling price depending on the percentage of the horse that you own. For example, if you own a 5% share of the horse you will receive 5% of the selling price. This value may be more or less that the value you paid to purchase the share depending on the selling price of the horse.


How long will I own a share in the horse for?

You will own a share in a horse until such time as it is sold to a new owner.

How many owners are there for each horse?

We limit the value of shares available for each horse, however we do not place restrictions on the denominations available to purchase, so the number of owners involved will depend on what values the shares are purchased in.

How do I buy shares?

The process is very simple. You select the horse you wish to purchase shares in. Click the drop down menu to select the number of shares you want and the value and then follow the instructions to make a payment.

How is the share value of the horse determined?

The value of the horse is determined by calculating the cost price plus the expenses involved in training the horse.

What happens if not all the shares are sold?

Even if not all shares are sold the value of your share will remain the same.

Other ways to invest

If you'd like to be involved in the purchase of yearlings, please contact us info@thebloodstockconnection.com


What information do I receive about my horse?

  • Exclusive access to the owners' page where you will receive regular updates on your horses' training and development
  • Open days to come see your horses at work
  • The possibility of coming to the sales to see your horses going through their paces and passing through the ring

Why is the training different for each horse?

Each horse will have its own unique characteristics and strengths, just like people. This means the approach needs to be tailored for each individual animal. Some horses take to the training quite easily whilst others need a firmer hand to encourage them to overcome the challenges.


Can I sell my share?

At the moment we do not have the option available to sell shares but we are working on this update to our website and hope to have it available soon.